We are happy to announce that we can start two new projects within ntmscope: ntmscope_registry and ntmscope_eco.
There is accumulating evidence that the incidence of NTM is increasing. However, as NTM disease is non-notifiable, data remains scarce. The ntmscope_registry shall close this gap and investigate the overall epidemiological data in NTM infected and colonised patients in Germany. The registry is currently being constructed with help of the Institute of Medical Informatics (IMI) at Goethe University Frankfurt.
As NTM are ubiquitous organisms, they have been isolated from soils, dust, zoonotic sources, as well as water sources in a variety of geographic locations. However, in Germany NTM have rarely been isolated from water sources. In ntmscope_eco, we aim at investigating the prevalence of NTM from potable and environmental water sources.
We are really looking forward to the development of these two new projects.